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The "Wrapping My Body" collection is a new direction.

실용적인 디자인과 

아름다움의 균형을

맞춘 봄 컬렉션.




Apr 17th '21

봄을 입는 느낌

Lo stile di un tessuto fresco, leggero e confortevole per vivere l'estate in bellezza e comodità con inconfondibile eleganza.

봄과 여름을 ​어떻게 마주하셨나요?

​새로운 우아함을 경험해볼 수 있습니다.

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Apr 17th '21

​오늘의 코트

new Cotton Classics collection. gabardine qualities that are renowned The collection offers a broad choice of seersuckers and the familiar rigid worldwide for their excellent tailor contemporary and classic colours in a and wearability properties.

더욱 가벼워진 트렌치코트.


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Dec 20th '20

​따뜻한 무게감

If you open it and wear it, it'll be elegant and warm

because it's made of Carmel.
It's a robe coat that doubles
the feminine and chic

charm of wearing a strap.

세심한 손바느질로 마무리한

여유로운 실루엣과,​

고급스러운 카멜 원단에서 자연스럽게

베어나오는 지블링

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Jan 31th '21

​코트의 지속성

It has a soft raglan design that fit and has a loose fit. It's a silhouette that you can wear without a belt.

Classic colors and various productions are possible. This coat is for a long time without being trendy.

항상 마주하는 가을겨울 시즌에

입기 좋은 캐시미어 코트입니다.

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Feb 19th '21

​봄의 캐시미어

It is a cozy natural cashmere coat with a nude tone arrangement. It's light cashmere material that's good to wear in spring and fall.

몸이 가벼워지는 계절을

즐겁게 맞이하실 수 있는 캐시미어코트

Labarca Bespoke

Tel. +82. 02. 762. 1173

Thu - Mon 11:00 - 7:00

51, Yeonghwasa-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, Korea

 Business License : 188-30-01418


Copyright(C) 2021 labarcabespoke. All rights reserved.

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