The year begins with spring.
It's not just a warm jacket.
It is a season that should be beautiful.
이윽고, 찾아온 봄은 한해를
시작하는 의미와 함께합니다.
보온을 위해 입어온 아우터에서
멋스러운 감각을 보여줄 계절입니다.
Spring·Summer 21
Jun 13th '21
In World War I, most airplanes had no cockpit closed, so pilots had to wear something that could keep them warm enough. Inspired by the Military Flight Jacket, our jackets are casual to wear.
계절 사이 사이 심플하게 입기 좋은,
간결한 플라이트재킷.
jan 20th '21
캐시미어 코트
Double Brested Cashmere Coat;
You can see the luxurious texture.
Camel Color Cashmere Coat
You can meet them if you visit the showroom.
고급스러운 결을 자랑하는 카멜 컬러
더블 브레스티드 캐시미어 코트입니다.
Feb 20th '21
시티 발마칸 코트
chiefly worn in the Scottish Highlands
Balmacaan coats were produced a lot in the area.
It was a very practical coat with a strong material and a warm design. The Balmacaan style was
shared with men as the Prince of Wales became popular wearing it.
그들의 옷장에는 유행 없이 실용적인
발마칸 코트는 항상 있었습니다.
Dec 26th '20
가벼운 캐시미어
Coat is an item that does not fall out of winter
men's fashion. Especially, the classic moody
polo coat is popular regardless of fashion.
유행없이 클래식하게 즐길 폴로코트입니다.
Jan 16th '21
겨울 속 일상
Soft silhouette of flowing clothes,
That's why it's a material that we always have in mind when we make high-end coats.
어김없이 찾아오는 매서운 바람에는
캐시미어만큼 멋스러운 방법이 없습니다.
Dec 26th '20
Dec 26th '20
클래식 데이
Innovation must exercise a mastery of tradition.
Classic is the basis of everything.
클래식은 모든 것의 기본입니다.
트위드와 함께한 래글런 코트의 정석.