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 21 collection 



 테일러링을 기반으로 
스칸다나비아 감성을 담아 실용적이며 
모던한 스타일을 추구합니다. 
윈슬로에서 준비한 봄·여름 소식을 만나보세요.

이번 21 collection에서는

남성복과 여성복 모두

뉴어스 컬러를 사용한 톤온톤으로 맞추고

라이프 스타일의 초점을 둔

편안한 디자인으로 제작되었습니다.

21 collection 


We pursue a practical and

modern style with Scandanavian sensibilities based on tailoring. 
Please take a look at the spring

and summer announcements.

In this 21 collection, both men's and women's clothing will be displayed.
It is a relaxed design that focuses on lifestyle with tone-on-tone using

the new earth color.

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21 collection 
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The new offering is nothing if not comprehensive; seventy shades, from basic tones to bright hues and for the first time the introduction of some subtle melanges. All with the practical versality which has cemented the collection’s longstanding success. At 260 gsm, New Deluxe’s Prunelle weave lends itself to suiting and trousers as well as jackets – visible and tangible luxury, no matter the garment.

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Labarca Bespoke

Tel. +82. 02. 762. 1173

Thu - Mon 11:00 - 7:00

51, Yeonghwasa-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, Korea

 Business License : 188-30-01418


Copyright(C) 2021 labarcabespoke. All rights reserved.

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